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Aaron’s Test Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae felis scelerisque, interdum odio fermentum, eleifend dui. Mauris dapibus fringilla elementum. Curabitur nisl nisl, cursus a turpis eget, faucibus dictum…
Layout Example 2: Cats in Movies
From the silent film era to modern CGI extravaganzas, cats have been captivating audiences on the silver screen for over a century. Their enigmatic personalities, graceful movements, and undeniable charm…
Layout Example – Forests
Forests, the lungs of our planet, are much more than just collections of trees. They are complex ecosystems teeming with life, playing a crucial role in regulating climate, purifying water,…
What’s possible post
The promise and peril of AI A “Harvard Thinking” Podcast Defining terms From top left to bottom right:
Media selector testing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod cum dixissent, ille contra. Non quaeritur autem quid naturae tuae consentaneum sit, sed quid disciplinae. Cuius similitudine perspecta in formarum specie…
Image replace on scroll sidebar
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Itaque in rebus minime obscuris non multus est apud eos disserendi labor. Ex ea difficultate illae fallaciloquae, ut ait Accius, malitiae natae…
Nation & World
A tale of three cities — and their turn to right in heartland
Government professor’s new book focuses on roles of race, class, and religion in evolution of former New Deal Democrats
Science & Tech
Journey to a key front in climate-change fight
Amazon immersion fosters partnerships, offers students, researchers hard look at threats to economic security, environment of rainforest as Earth warms
Science & Tech
A birder’s biggest enemy in rainforest: complacency
Senior integrative biology concentrator spots 121 species during research, teaching intensive in Amazon
Science & Tech
Redefining the good life
Climate activist urges people to counter a culture run on fear and fossil fuel
Arts & Culture
Making creation a career
Alumni in the arts share insights and lifelong impact of campus involvement
Nation & World
Why do election polls seem to have such a mixed track record?
Democratic industry veteran looks at past races, details adjustments made amid shifting political dynamics in nation
Science & Tech
Blue, green, gold: Why eyes of wild cats vary in color
Study traces iris diversity to gray-eyed ancestor
Arts & Culture
Art and Big Ideas are not strange bedfellows
Both spring from hard questions, benefit from interdisciplinary feedback, former Radcliffe fellows say
Falls put older adults at increased risk of Alzheimer’s
Researchers found dementia more frequently diagnosed within one year of a fall, compared to other types of injuries
Campus & Community
A blueprint for better conversations
After months of listening and learning, open inquiry co-chairs detail working group’s recommendations
Campus & Community
Celebrating 25th anniversary of Radcliffe Institute
Three Harvard presidents, two Nobel laureates gather to mark ‘unique legacy and remarkable impact’
Arts & Culture
Was Romeo ‘love-bombing’ Juliet?
Globe relationship columnist sorts timeless elements of youth, love, social divisions of 16th-century classic in new A.R.T. production
Nation & World
You’d never fall for an online scam, right?
Wrong, says cybersecurity expert. Con artists use time-tested tricks that can work on anyone regardless of age, IQ — what’s changed is scale.
Nation & World
Two bereaved mothers who know price of war work for peace
Layla Alsheikh, Robi Damelin argue path to Mideast reconciliation begins with acknowledging common humanity
‘Weekend warriors’ can cut risk of 264 diseases
Concentrated routines just as effective as regular weekly exercise in protecting against heart, digestive conditions as well as neurological illnesses
Science & Tech
An idea with legs
Research suggests the scuttling sea robin may serve as evolutionary model for trait development, including in humans
Arts & Culture
‘Unseen Truth’ shows the real picture behind ‘Caucasian’ ideals
Sarah Lewis explores the false foundation of America’s racial hierarchy in new book
Drug-free nasal spray blocks, neutralizes viruses, bacteria
In preclinical studies, spray offered nearly 100% protection from respiratory infections by COVID-19, influenza, viruses, and pneumonia-causing bacteria
Nation & World
Taking the phones out of school
In podcast episode, experts discuss growing movement to restrict devices in class
Campus & Community
Scruggs describes ‘super surreal moment’ when she made Olympics history
Harvard fencer reflects on path to silver and gold — including facing a childhood idol — and what keeps her balanced, focused
Using AI to repurpose existing drugs for treatment of rare diseases
Identifies possible therapies for thousands of diseases, including ones with no current treatments
Campus & Community
Why are you so offended?
It’s about status, not hurt feelings, philosopher argues
Campus & Community
Goodheart to step down as University secretary in May
Will continue to advise Garber and other campus leaders
Arts & Culture
A history of Shakespeare at the A.R.T.
‘Romeo and Juliet’ is latest in long line of productions stretching back to theater’s inaugural staging in 1980 of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’