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Campus & Community
Heroes honored
Harvard honored 220 Central Administration staffers in June, naming them Harvard Heroes for leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and work that exceeds expectations. This year’s Heroes were honored in a June 14…
Campus & Community
University’s environmental record lauded
Harvard has received an award recognizing the excellence of its environmental programs as well as its record of complying with environmental regulations. The award is presented annually by the Environmental…
Campus & Community
The sweet sounds of summer
As Tom Everett mounts the podium and surveys the room, his commanding presence attracts the gaze of more than 100 attentive and anxious musicians awaiting his direction. It is a…
Campus & Community
Enhanced Sert Gallery opens at Carpenter Center
The newly renovated Sert Gallery opened last month providing increased gallery space for modern and contemporary art at the Harvard University Art Museums. Sert is the result of collaboration between…
Campus & Community
Rumors, not roaches, fly, until SPH sets record straight
Some Boston residents awoke last Thursday to warnings that a particularly vicious African insect had invaded their neighborhoods. Fliers affixed to utility polls and slipped under windshield wipers announced an…
Campus & Community
Top profs’ book tips
What do Harvard professors read over the summer? Are the physicists reading poetry and the literature professors reading algebra? Are they reading at all, or do books lie spine-up on…
Campus & Community
President Rudenstine appoints outside committee to advise Radcliffe
President Neil L. Rudenstine announced the appointment of a committee of scholars and academics from outside Radcliffe and Harvard to assist in the process of long-term planning for the Radcliffe…
Campus & Community
Radioactive seeds gain position
Anthony D’Amico faced a tricky problem. How to place 100 radioactive seeds, each smaller than a rice grain, into tumors inside a walnut-size prostate gland. Properly placed, the seeds destroy…
Campus & Community
Search for presidential successor begins
The Harvard Corporation has announced the start of the search for a successor to President Neil L. Rudenstine, who recently announced his intention to conclude his service at the close…
Campus & Community
Police Log
Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) for the weeks ending June 17, June 24, July 1, and July 8. The official log…
Campus & Community
Pollution study captures Fisher Prize Diane Hart Barnes, a doctoral candidate in the department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, is the recipient of the Howard T. Fisher Prize in Geographical…
Campus & Community
Fall memorial planned for Nagatomi
Masatoshi Nagatomi, professor of Buddhist Studies emeritus in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, died on June 3, 2000. A private funeral service was held on June 17.…
Campus & Community
HMS to explore ‘complementary’ medical practices
In a move that taps its faculty’s depth and breadth of expertise to expand academic inquiry into complementary medicine, Harvard Medical School (HMS) has established the Division for Research and…
Campus & Community
Photographer shares his Afghan experiences in two classes
Edward Grazda has been taking pictures in Afghanistan since 1980, shortly after the Soviets invaded the country. He had been in India, but news of the conflict drew him northward…
Campus & Community
Test shows those closer to death
A 15-minute mental test shows promise for identifying people 65 years and older who are most likely to die in the next two years, according to a study at the…
Campus & Community
Harvard has a constructive summer
The growing season is upon us, and like everything around it, Harvard is going to be getting a bit bigger during the summer months. A variety of projects are on…
Science & Tech
Fighting prostate cancer with radioactive seeds
In November 1997, a team of surgeons headed by Anthoy D’Amico, an associate professor of radiation oncology at Harvard Medical School, first used a technique that treats early stages of…
Cognitive testing of elderly could help detect medical problems
Shari Bassuk, research fellow in the Department of Health and Social Behavior at the Harvard School of Public Health, and her colleagues have found that even mild impairments in areas…
Active girls who drink colas are five times more likely to fracture bones
In a study, more than 460 ninth- and tenth-grade girls reported their activity levels, soda drinking habits, and history of bone fractures. A researcher found that drinking any type of…
Campus & Community
Volunteers honored for work in Cambridge schools
Cambridge School Volunteers, Inc., recently presented the 1999-00 Mack Davis Award to eight volunteers for their outstanding service to Cambridge public schools. The award is named for the late Mack…
Campus & Community
Transforming Boyz II Men
Presiding over the classroom, Kevin Fuller, Ed.M. 00, looks like a missionary a free-spirited, high-stye preacher, dressed in a long, raspberry, collarless jacket, pressed black dress shirt and pants,…
Campus & Community
Summer School musical opportunities The Harvard Summer School Orchestra will hold auditions for full brass, including both cornets and trumpets, harp, English horn, and piccolo on Tuesday, June 27, through…
Campus & Community
Memorial Minute — H. Leroy Vail
Hazen Leroy Vail was born in Boston, August 5, 1940. His father, Hazen Claude Vail, who had left a Depression-broken small farm in Belleisle, New Brunswick, to seek his fortune…
Campus & Community
Walking is step in right direction for reducing stroke risk
The more physically active women are, the greater they reduce their risk of stroke, according to a new study from the Harvard School of Public Health. The study followed 72,488…
Campus & Community
Drugs muscle their way into men’s fitness
Male college students in the United States and Europe want to add more muscle to their bodies because they think that will make them more attractive to females. They are…
Campus & Community
Soda pop increases risk of bone breaks
Add bone fractures to obesity and tooth decay as another reason that teenage girls should drink less soda pop, particularly colas. Ninth- and 10-grade girls who drink soda pop have…
Campus & Community
Daniel Schrag Wins MacArthur ‘Genius’ Fellowship
Give Daniel Schrag some old seawater, bits of sediment from the ocean floor, and chunks of coral rock, and hell tell you about Earths climate tens of thousands, even millions…
Campus & Community
Police Log
Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department for the week ending June 10. The official log is located at Police Headquarters, 29 Garden St.…
Campus & Community
Six members elected to Board of Overseers
The President of the Harvard Alumni Association announced the results of the annual election of new members of the Harvard Board of Overseers last week at the annual meeting of…
Campus & Community
Dana Reed Prize Winners for 2000 Rachel Kovner 01 has won the 2000 Dana Reed Prize for distinguished undergraduate writing. The Quincy House junior captured the $500 award for “This…