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Campus & Community
Franken, Lithgow lead laughs at ARTS FIRST
Good luck keeping a straight face during ARTS FIRST 2000. Actor John Lithgow 67 and comedian Al Franken 73 will light up the marquee at the Pan-Harvard Comedy Carnival that…
Campus & Community
Rudenstine praises far-reaching recommendations
I received today (May 3) a copy of the final report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Employment Policies a committee composed of faculty and senior administrators from across…
Campus & Community
Annual Cost: $2.44 million Workers affected: About 2,000 Harvard Bridge Program: What: On-site, free literacy and basic skills training Who: Unionized staff, casuals or employees of outside service contractors How…
Campus & Community
Education key to upward mobility
D. Quinn Mills, the Albert J. Weatherhead Jr. Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, chaired the eight-member Ad Hoc Committee on Employment Policies that for the last…
Campus & Community
Ad Hoc report calls for expanded training, benefits, new contract guidelines
After more than a year of studying issues surrounding Harvards contingent workforce and its lowest-paid workers, the Ad Hoc Committee on Employment Policies released a report yesterday (May 3) recommending…
Campus & Community
A Bridge to literacy, learning
In an innovative move to bridge the gap between workers in low-paying jobs and those enjoying the nations booming new economy, Harvard University will launch a new workplace education program…
Campus & Community
Harvard Benefits
Harvard offers a generous package of benefits and perks including liberal time off, tuition assistance, a wide range of health plans and special perks like discount theater and movie…
Campus & Community
Vorenberg memorial service set for May 10
A memorial service will be held for Roscoe Pound Professor of Law James Vorenberg, a former Harvard Law School dean, on Wednesday, May 10, at 2 p.m. in Memorial Church,…
Campus & Community
Ruth Dixon Turner, professor of biology, dies
Ruth Dixon Turner, professor of biology emerita, died Sunday in Meadow Green Nursing Home in Waltham at the age of 85. Turner was curator of malacology at the Museum of…
Campus & Community
Kids rule at Sports Fest
Mayor Thomas Menino joined hundreds of local youths, student athletes, and coaches last Friday (April 28) to kick off the annual Sports Festival held at Harvard. Designed to celebrate the…
Campus & Community
Memorial service for Bellow set for May 25
A memorial service for Harvard Law School professor Gary Bellow will be held on Thursday, May 25, at 2 p.m. in Sanders Theatre. The service will be followed with a…
Campus & Community
Mighty metaphors — Zaltman’s method opens the ‘windows of consciousness’
When the Heinz Endowments of Pittsburgh, Pa., embarked on a mission two years ago to invigorate its Arts and Culture program, it turned to the Mind of the Market Laboratory…
Campus & Community
Spring silliness
Eat, drink, and be merry — thousands showed off their spring fever during Springfest 2000 at the MAC Quad, coming out to support student bands, eat, compete, and enjoy the…
Campus & Community
Police Log
Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department for the week ending April 29. The official log is located at Police Headquarters, 29 Garden St.…
Campus & Community
Celebrating John Knowles Paine’s legacy
Aaron Copland. Leonard Bernstein. Igor Stravinsky. John Knowles Paine. These four eminences were among 25 composers, musicians, and educators inducted into the American Classical Music Hall of Fame in 1998.…
Campus & Community
Organizers sought for next Ig Nobel event Organizers are sought to help produce the 10th Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, which honors individuals whose achievements “cannot or should not be…
Campus & Community
Nieman reunion convenes some of world’s top journalists
If a war had broken out somewhere last weekend, theres a possibility the rest of the world might have missed it. Thats because more than 400 of the most heralded…
Campus & Community
Galbraith, Gould, and Whipple dubbed “Living Legends” John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics Emeritus; Stephen Jay Gould, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology in the Museum of Comparative…
Campus & Community
NAACP Retreat
The National Board of Directors of the NAACP attended its third board retreat at the Business School last week. President Neil L. Rudenstine (left) met with NAACP Chairman Julian Bond…
Campus & Community
Five labor contracts settled last year
In a recent remarkably productive period of labor relations activity, the University signed 5 new contracts with four of its unions between July and November of last year. Following is…
Campus & Community
Committee calls for expanded training, benefits
A committee of faculty and administrators studying workforce issues at Harvard has recommended several groundbreaking initiatives. Central to these recommendations is a greatly expanded free, on-site workplace education program for…
Campus & Community
Defenders of a radical idea
It was a radical idea at the time. The concept of Law School (HLS) students representing indigent clients in criminal cases may have shocked more than a few people in…
Potent cancer drugs made from sea squirts
In May 2000, researchers at Harvard University announced that they had succeeded in synthesizing a complex anti-tumor drug that is more powerful than any other known drug. The drug, ecteinascidin,…
Science & Tech
Helping clear the air in China
Across China’s industrial areas, black soot settles into people’s lungs and bronchial tubes, producing an annual epidemic of respiratory disease. That’s the result of heating homes, schools, and offices with…
Science & Tech
Professor’s survey method opens ‘windows of consciousness’
Bringing together theories and tools from disciplines ranging from psychology to neuroscience, the Mind of the Market Laboratory at Harvard Business School attempts to define and qualify consumers’ and managers’…
Science & Tech
Study finds that for young men, family comes first
Breaking ranks with their fathers and grandfathers on the important issue of work-family integration, 71 percent of men 21-39 said in a survey that they would give up some of…
Campus & Community
Narayan Memorial Set for May 5 at Adams House
A memorial service, “A Celebration of the Life of Navin Narayan,” will be held on Friday, May 5, in the Adams House Library at 2:30 p.m. Navin Narayan 99 died…
Campus & Community
Hypersensitive Skin Reveals Clues About Migraine Pains
The painfully sensitive skin that accompanies many migraines has revealed a new understanding of the debilitating headaches. The latest findings from Boston researchers are the first that may explain why…
Campus & Community
Scoring the Future — Arts Medalist Harbison wants budding careers to bloom
His lifes work is a montage of musical masterpieces, including three symphonies, three string quartets, two operas, and the Pulitzer Prize-winning cantata “The Flight into Egypt.” Yet, its not so…
Campus & Community
Arthur Mu-En Lee, Expert in Cardiovascular Disease, Dies
Arthur Mu-En Lee, associate professor of molecular biology at the Harvard School of Public Health and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, died on April 10 following surgery…