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Campus & Community
Butler and Gudrais Named Harvard Magazine Fellows for 2000-01 Kirstin E. Butler and Elizabeth A. Gudrais have been named Harvard Magazine‘s Berta Greenwald Ledecky Undergraduate Fellows for the 2000-01 academic…
Campus & Community
Myles Mace, Expert on Entrepreneurship, Dies at 88
Former Harvard Business School Professor Myles L. Mace, a pioneer in the study of entrepreneurship and corporate governance, and a member of numerous corporate boards, died on Friday, March 24,…
Campus & Community
Three To Be Honored with Harvard Medal
The Harvard Alumni Association has chosen three alumni to receive the 2000 Harvard Medal: Charlotte P. Armstrong 49, L.L.B. 53; John G. Caulfield 50; and Louis I. Kane 53. First…
Campus & Community
Marine Science Review Established at Harvard
Harvard students have established the Harvard Marine Science Review, a new peer association of scientists, educators, researchers, and students dedicated to the advancement of the fields of ichthyology and marine…
Campus & Community
Law School Will Honor George Mitchell at Symposium
The Harvard Negotiation Law Review and the Harvard Program on Negotiation will honor former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell with the first “Great Negotiator Award” on Friday, April 7, as part…
Campus & Community
Diallo Family, Sharpton, Breyer Will Speak at Black Law Students’ Spring Conference
The Rev. Al Sharpton, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Anita Hill, and family members of Amadou Diallo are among the guests scheduled to speak at the Black Law Students…
Campus & Community
Kennedy Honored as ‘Champion of Science’
Senator Edward M. Kennedy gave the keynote speech at an April 3 luncheon of the Leading Industries Executive Forum hosted by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. Kennedy devoted most…
Campus & Community
Harvard Launches New Program on Business, Government and Education
Will the expanding role of business in American education improve the nation’s schools? Where can the private sector’s strong suits cost-consciousness, flexibility, and a focus on results be…
Campus & Community
Law School Makes $100,000 In Enhancements To Hemenway Gymnasium
The Harvard Gazette
Campus & Community
Filmmaker/Lecturer Nominated for Oscar
If Wendy Tilbys name is called at Sunday nights Academy Awards presentation in Los Angeles, a roar of applause may be heard emanating from the Carpenter Center on Quincy Street.…
Campus & Community
Young Scientists’ Club
Every Tuesday afternoon for the past eight weeks, kids in the Young Scientists Club turned the Harvard Museum of Natural History into their own research lab to learn about light.…
Campus & Community
KSG Joins Women.Future Conference on April 5
The Kennedy School of Government will participate via satellite in the global “Women.Future Conference” to be held on Wednesday, April 5, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The conference will…
Campus & Community
University Asks That Harvard Pilgrim Trademark Case Be Heard in Federal Court
Facing a state court deadline last week to respond to the Attorney Generals lawsuit about Harvard Pilgrim Health Cares use of the Harvard name, the University has responded by requesting…
Campus & Community
Law Students Offer Free Tax Assistance
The Harvard Law School Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) is providing free, confidential assistance in preparing state and federal tax returns to low-income, elderly, and handicapped residents of Boston,…
Campus & Community
Experience, Education Link Real World to Classroom
The class started off easily enough. Graduate School of Education Lecturer Meg Campbell said it was to be student-directed, following the principles of experience-based education. She had given the assignment…
Campus & Community
Conference to Explore Experience-Based Education
The Harvard Outward Bound Project and the Experiential Educators Network are planning a conference for those interested in learning more about experiential or experience-based education. The conference, called “The Common…
Campus & Community
At Busch Hall, Clock’s Time Has Come Again
The hands of time will begin turning again today on Busch Hall. It has been more than four months since the circa 1930 tower clock was disassembled, removed, and then…
Campus & Community
Leading Environmentalist Leaves Papers to Harvard
Environmental scholars at Harvard will soon have access to the personal papers of Maurice Strong, one of the central figures in international environmental politics for the past 30 years. Strong’s…