Science & Tech
Journey to a key front in climate-change fight
Amazon immersion fosters partnerships, offers students, researchers hard look at threats to economic security, environment of rainforest as Earth warms
A birder’s biggest enemy in rainforest: complacency
Senior integrative biology concentrator spots 121 species during research, teaching intensive in Amazon
Redefining the good life
Climate activist urges people to counter a culture run on fear and fossil fuel
Blue, green, gold: Why eyes of wild cats vary in color
Study traces iris diversity to gray-eyed ancestor
An idea with legs
Research suggests the scuttling sea robin may serve as evolutionary model for trait development, including in humans
How well do you know your dog?
Take our quiz based on new Netflix documentary featuring Harvard researcher
Those birds that crashed and died? It wasn’t fumes.
After internet theorists react to viral video, Harvard researchers answer with science.
Tech on a plate
Larissa Zimberoff, author of “Technically Food,” examined new ways of producing what we eat and drink in a discussion sponsored by the Food Literacy Project at Harvard.
Does your dog care if you die?
Any owner would say yes. Here’s what the science says.
Was Facebook the original social network? Not by a long shot
New research produces earliest DNA from Sub-Saharan Africa and a more complete look at ancient peoples.
New Faculty: Gabriella Coleman
Anthropology Professor Gabriella Coleman studies the rich, deep world of hackers.
Drug delivery system offers hope for treating genetic diseases
A team of researchers has developed a new drug delivery system that was able to edit genes associated with high cholesterol and to partially restore vision in mice.
When babies see people swap spit, they know what’s what
Infants deduce that people are in a close relationship if they witness interactions like kissing and taking bites of each other’s food.
The ‘platypus’ of crabs
A crab that swam the seas 95 million years ago was believed to be an active predator with sharp vision as opposed to today’s bottom-dwellers with limited vision.
Reminders from Hollywood on memory, amnesia, personality
Psychology, philosophy scholars mine psycho-thriller “Memento” for its lessons on function of recall, how it shapes who we are.
Should married couples live apart?
Separate takes from husband-and-wife psychiatrists on distance, drift, and how to stay connected
Logic or emotion: Which is more valuable?
Neither thinking nor feeling is superior, according to Leonard Mlodinow’s new book, which argues that the two are inextricably linked.
Back in days of great floods
Harvard researcher explains how overflowing rivers billions of years ago helped shape what Mars looks like today.
What it takes to be a scientific breakthrough
Harvard Medical School Professor Anthony L. Komaroff explains the difference between a scientific advance and a true breakthrough.
A different kind of queen’s gambit
The n-queens challenge dates back to 1869. After working on the problem for about 5 years, mathematician Michael Simkin has an almost definitive solution.
How a bubble gives birth to young stars
Scientists have shown how a chain of events led to the creation of the vast bubble that is responsible for the formation of all young stars within 500 light-years of the sun and Earth.
5 ways to learn new things in the new year
Adults can continue to learn new things if they follow a few simple rules.
Seeing squid more clearly
Harvard researchers shed new light on squid eye development and convergent evolution.
Turns out smarter kids are made, not born
A study co-authored by experts at the Graduate School of Education found that mothers with positive mindsets can mitigate the negative effects of maternal stress on mother-child interactions and help promote children’s healthy development.
Gut-brain connection in autism
Researchers have identified a possible mechanism linking autism and intestinal inflammation in mouse models.
Geneticists’ new research on ancient Britain contains insights on language, ancestry, kinship, milk
Two new studies highlight technological advances in large-scale genomics and open windows into the lives of ancient people.
Twin gene-editing system gives twice the efficiency
A new gene-editing technique that enables larger edits than earlier ones could create new ways to study and treat genetic diseases, such as hemophilia or Hunter syndrome.
Telescope to help tell the story of the universe
Harvard astrophysicist details the most ambitious space probe NASA ever built.
Why that song is stuck in your head
Brain scientist explains earworms
Touching the sun
An instrument made by scientists and engineers at the Center for Astrophysics has helped verify that — for the first time in history — a spacecraft has entered the corona of the sun.
University seen as well-equipped to meet goals of ambitious institute
Scholars across University say Harvard is well-suited to the challenge owing to breadth, size of intellectual resources, experience.
New University-wide institute to integrate natural, artificial intelligence
University-wide initiative made possible by gift from Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg.
Negotiating the irrational with Daniel Kahneman
Nobel-winning behavioral economist and author of “Thinking Fast and Slow” shares advice on negotiation at Harvard event.
Step in quest for quantum computing
Harvard researchers observe a state of matter predicted and hunted for 50 years, but never previously observed.
Potential step toward new superconductors
Never-before-seen electron behavior could help scientists create superwires for supercharged technology.
Getting the asteroid before it gets us
Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics explains the science and objectives guiding the agency’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test.