In Lilac Time

Mother Nature got her act together just in time for Mothers Day.
Bright sunshine greeted thousands of visitors at the annual Lilac Sunday on May 14 at the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain. The colorful flowers seemed to dance in the light as they swayed to a warm, gentle breeze 70 degrees to be exact, perfect conditions for plants and visitors alike.
Many visitors took advantage of the occasion to throw down blankets on the lawn and enjoy lunch on the only day of the year picnics are allowed on the grounds. Others simply strolled the hilly gardens, transfixed by the bright flowers and rich aromas.

The Arboretum, which was founded in 1872 and named for its benefactor James Arnold (and now held in trust by Harvard University) has successfully cultivated lilacs for 128 years. More than 200 different varieties of lilacs are grown at the Arboretum, representing one of the largest collections in the United States. Every spring, a daylong celebration is held, drawing garden enthusiasts from around the world. It is traditionally and not surprisingly the busiest day of the year at the Arboretum.