A day in the life of President Faust
The life of a modern university president is more a case study in perpetual motion than of academic ritual. For Harvard President Drew Faust, the workday begins and ends under artificial light. This photo essay depicts the ebb and flow of a busy day in which she addressed the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and introduced Harvard faculty, students, and staff to Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, U.S. Secretary for Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan, and cellist Yo-Yo Ma. In between, she ran a staff meeting, met with academic program heads, and conferred with aides. She fielded phone calls, lunched with alumni and deans, rewrote speeches, and answered e-mails. Well into the evening, she hosted an informal dinner party in honor of the American Repertory Theater’s new director, Diane Paulus, and stood smiling in the doorway when the last guest departed.
To view the photo essay, visit the President’s Web site.