
Gator Country

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The promise and peril of AI

A “Harvard Thinking” Podcast

Defining terms

The temperature of the nest determines whether the eggs develop into males or females. Cooler temperatures between 82 and 86 degrees produce females.

During the first years of the alligator’s life, they learn to eat small animals in and near the water. They typically feed on insects, snails, worms, birds and small fish – everything is on the menu when you’re an opportunistic alligator. 

Alligators can remain with their mother for up to three years before seeking out their own territories. Once the young alligators reach four feet in length, they’re considered virtually invulnerable in the wild.

From top left to bottom right:

Eggs become hatchlings
Toddlers become moody teens
Adolescents become adults

90% of alligators need dental work


40% of alligators are pescetarians

40% of alligators are cheeky little tricksters

“Mr. Watson, will you come in here.”

Alexander Graham Bell