Professor Barry Bloom named AAAS Fellow
Barry R. Bloom, Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor and Joan L. and Julius H. Jacobson Professor of Public Health at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), is among 15…
President Obama calls on Americans to volunteer as mentors
January is National Mentoring Month, an annual media campaign calling on Americans to mentor the estimated 15 million young people who are in need of mentors. A story describes…
Monica Toft named scholar for religion project
Monica Duffy Toft, associate professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School, has been named a project scholar in a new interdisciplinary project at Georgetown University to study religious freedom.…
Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center announces spring 2011 fellows
The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, located at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, is pleased to announce its spring fellows. “We start the spring…
Q&A with bioengineer Amy Kerdok
Biomedical engineer Amy Kerdok, Ph.D. ’06, knows firsthand how much a technological solution can affect a person’s life. During her time on campus, Kerdok served as both “poobah” and women’s…
Deans Smith and Hammonds to use Old Quincy as House renewal test project
Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) Dean Michael D. Smith and Harvard College Dean Evelynn Hammonds today (Jan. 14, 2011) announced that Old Quincy House will be used as a…
Topics in Bioengineering series kicks off Jan. 18 at SEAS
The Topics in Bioengineering (TIB) seminar series, sponsored by the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), will kick off on Jan. 18. The talks are open to anyone…
Trouble in paradise: Hawaii’s affordable housing conundrum
With its picturesque island beaches, festive and colorful luaus, and a summery climate year round, many view Hawaii as the ultimate tropical paradise. “There is no question that Hawaii is…
Arizona shooting spree casts light on gun violence in U.S.
Among the many issues raised by the Tucson, Arizona shootings that left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition, six people dead and more than a dozen injured on Jan. 8,…
Exposure to PCBs, dioxin appears to stunt growth in Russian boys
Russian boys exposed to unusually high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are smaller than their peers, according to a new study from Harvard School of Public Health researchers published in…
Gawande talks health reform with NPR, Colbert Report
Atul Gawande, associate professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at HSPH, spoke with Tom Ashbrook of NPR’s “On Point” about health care and health reform on Jan.…
Health care rationed in U.S., HSPH ethicist says
Daniel Wikler, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics and professor of ethics and population health, was interviewed Dec. 17, 2010, on Public Radio International’s “The World,” about health care…
A pesky bacterial slime reveals its survival secrets
By rethinking what happens on the surface of things, engineers at Harvard University have discovered that Bacillus subtilis biofilm colonies exhibit an unmatched ability to repel a wide range of…
Nominations open for Harvard Corporation members
As announced in December, the Harvard Corporation will expand from seven to thirteen members, as part of a broader set of changes involving the Corporation’s composition and work. All members…
Two SEAS faculty win prestigious NSF CAREER Awards
Two members of the SEAS faculty recently received the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The honor is considered one of the most prestigious…
Video: 2009 Pandemic H1N1 influenza: Perspectives on severity and response
Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology, gives a presentation about the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, discussing the challenges faced by public health professionals and the lessons learned to more effectively handle…
Summers to resume teaching, academic research at Harvard Kennedy School
Lawrence H. Summers, who until recently served as assistant to the president for economic policy and director of the White House National Economic Council (NEC), returns to Harvard University this…
Harvard hosts high schoolers for International Economic Summit
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Council on Economic Education (MCEE), the International Economic Summit Institute (IES), and Harvard University, along with funding support from the…
Treating depression in HIV+ patients improves treatment adherence, viral outcome
A team of researchers led by a Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) postdoctoral research fellow and a Massachusetts General Hospital physician report for the first time that using antidepressant…
ES 51 drives home the principles of engineering design
Undergraduates in Engineering Sciences 51: “Computer-Aided Machine Design” had spent a semester learning to design gadgets in SolidWorks, building candy-flinging catapults, and mastering the use of the soldering iron. Then…
Sodium intake in the U.S. adult population
Adam Bernstein, research fellow in the Department of Nutrition, discusses sodium intake in the U.S. adult population.
December Green Tip: Turn off before you take off
Before you take off for holiday break, remember that a few simple energy saving actions can make a big difference in helping Harvard University meet its goal to reduce greenhouse…
SEAS 2009-10 annual report is now online
“Refecting upon my first year as dean of the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), I can’t deny that it’s been a year of surprises. Good ones—and often…
Crisis in primary care
More than 66 million people live in regions of the United States that have a shortage of primary care physicians. Learn what Harvard Medical School is doing to help by …
Dudley House Jazz Band to perform rarely heard “Zodiac Suite”
The Dudley House Jazz Band and Harvard University’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) are proud to present Mary Lou Williams’s classic, rarely heard Zodiac Suite on Friday, Dec.…
Nieman conference on secrecy and journalism
Tune in hear what leading journalists and other watchdogs have to say during the Nieman Foundation’s conference “From Watergate to WikiLeaks: Journalism and Secrecy in the New Media Age” on…
Harvard’s latest LEED green buildings
In response to Harvard’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal and Green Building Standards, building managers and facilities leaders across the University are renovating and constructing greener labs, offices, and classrooms that…
Larsen Librarian Nancy Cline to retire
Nancy M. Cline, the Roy E. Larsen Librarian of Harvard College for more than 15 years, will retire at the end of the academic year. In an announcement to faculty,…
Harvard-Yenching’s 2010 holiday cards now available
Each year since 1998, Harvard-Yenching Library has offered a series of holiday and note cards featuring images from interesting pieces in their collections. For 2010, Kuniko McVey, Librarian for the…
Kristin Stoklosa receives Ishimoto Award
Kristin Stoklosa, e-resources manager and e-resources coordinator for the sciences, has been named this year’s recipient of the 2010 Carol Ishimoto Award for Distinguished Service in the Harvard College Library.…