Commencement 2024
A collection of stories covering Harvard University’s 373rd Commencement.
Day to remember
One journey behind them, grads pause to reflect before starting the next
Choose bravely, Ressa tells Harvard grads
Nobel Peace Prize-winning journalist puts values first in Commencement address focused on threats to democracy
‘Shed the tears … get up and fight some more’
Justice Sonia Sotomayor on importance of civic engagement, youth involvement, giving back
Campus & Community
‘The only way through is with’
Harvard Alumni Day speakers highlight importance of connection to University community amid times of global discord
Campus & Community
‘Shed the tears … get up and fight some more’
Justice Sonia Sotomayor on importance of civic engagement, youth involvement, giving back
Campus & Community
Day to remember
One journey behind them, grads pause to reflect before starting the next
Campus & Community
Choose bravely, Ressa tells Harvard grads
Nobel Peace Prize-winning journalist puts values first in Commencement address focused on threats to democracy
Campus & Community
‘Be that voice for compassion, learning, understanding, and unity’
Burns and others deliver call to action – and empathy – at Class Day ceremonies
Six receive honorary degrees
Harvard recognizes educator, conductor, theoretical physicist, advocate for elderly, writer, and Nobel laureate
Ready to serve
New officers ‘join a long crimson line that goes back to the very founding of this country.’
Harvard awards 9,262 degrees
Totals reflect the 2023-24 academic year
Time to stand up, defend American higher education, Faust says
President emerita invokes spirit of Emerson, pushes back against recent criticisms
Maria Ressa will speak her troubled mind
‘Democracy dies quickly,’ warns Nobel laureate ahead of Commencement, where she hopes to find students committed to protecting it
‘Seek inspiration in one another’
Garber praises graduates’ resilience, urges them to maintain and cherish lasting bonds
Bridging social distance, embracing uncertainty, fighting for equity
Student Commencement speeches to tap into themes faced by Class of 2024
‘I haven’t really had a proper weekend in a long time’
Longtime supporter of grads Kathy Hanley caps 13-year quest with a Commencement of her own
Party like it’s 2020
Class of ’24 gets a do-over on high school prom that pandemic took away
‘I was frustrated, infuriated, because women are just as capable’
Experiences in Uganda and U.S. fuel Ananda Birungi’s passion for empowering others, especially women and girls
When the circus called, she took the leap
Extension School allowed trapeze artist Izzy Patrowicz to pursue big-top dreams alongside bachelor’s degree
Finding new ways to learn
Series of life-threatening medical problems changed Saif Kamal — but not his desire to pursue opportunity, help others do so too
‘You can solve anything’
Priyanka Pillai wants to take on big problems — and has learned how good design can help
Tracing largely forgotten history of major community
Julia Tellides explored shifts, upheavals of Thessaloniki between two wars
A change of mind, heart, and soul
Choosing Harvard took LyLena Estabine down an uncertain path. The former student co-president has no regrets.
So how do you track spread of disease? By the numbers
Ivan Specht decided to employ his love of math during pandemic, which led to contact-tracing app, papers, future path
Pop star on one continent, college student on another
Model and musician Kazuma Mitchell managed to (mostly) avoid the spotlight while at Harvard
When your meet-cute happens at T.H. Chan
She worked for Pfizer in Turkey; he was neurosurgery resident in Canada. And graduation and wedding are not far off.
No business like show business — except the law
Nicholas Gonzalez was a child star who felt curiously at home in front of a jury box
Bringing personal perspective to homeless care
Soon-to-be Med School grad’s family struggled in U.S. after fleeing war-torn Central America. He hasn’t forgotten.
Three will receive 2024 Harvard Medal
In recognition of their extraordinary service
When math is the dream
Dora Woodruff was drawn to beauty of numbers as child. Next up: Ph.D. at MIT.
A fresh take on must-see TV
Isabella Madrigal has a vision: storytelling that’s compelling, inspires better, more equitable world
When your soulmate’s a classmate
Husband and wife — both pursuing master’s degrees at Harvard — merge love for education to help students in India
Sonia Sotomayor to receive 2024 Radcliffe Medal
Associate justice of U.S. Supreme Court honored for her work as a fearless and compassionate jurist
Maria Ressa named 2024 Commencement speaker
Nobel Prize-winning defender of press freedom will deliver principal address
Class of 1999 elects Baratunde Thurston as chief marshal of alumni
Writer, TV host, comedian, commentator to join in 125-year-old tradition